In this section, you can download research papers and projects from my time at Copenhagen Business School.

A reflective essay on Brand Loyalty
Course: Consumer Behaviour
In this essay, I reflect upon my learning journey in the course. The essay discusses the general lack of empirical data within the field of marketing and assess different approaches to consumer behaviour, for instance brand loyalty. I also reflect upon the implications of this knowledge to my own work as a marketing practitioner.

5 forces analysis of the fast food industry
Course: Competitive Strategy
For my four-hour sit-in exam in Competitive Strategy, I was tasked with doing Porter's 5-forces analysis. Numerous factors come into play when formulating strategy, so this short paper seeks to understand what makes an industry profitable through analysis of its developments.

Public Relations
A research paper on the driverless car
Course: PR and Issue Management
This paper provides an empirical study that shows how Google's driverless car is framed in the media and evaluated in the public through thorough content analysis. Based on the media's framing, a strategy is recommended, which aims to manage potential issues associated with the driverless car.